The Chicken Hell

A Complex Relationship Between Humans and Chickens, From the Past to the Present
The Chicken Hell is one of the hells depicted in the Jigoku Zoshi (Hell Scrolls), a picture scroll created in the late Heian period of Japan. The image of a giant rooster attacking sinners leaves a strong impression on viewers.pen_spark

The View of Chickens in Ancient Time
In ancient times, chickens were closely linked to religion and politics and were considered mystical creatures. On the other hand, cockfighting and consuming chicken meat were also prevalent practices.
Since Buddhism prohibits killing, cockfighting was seen as a sinful act. The Chicken Hell is believed to have been created to warn people against such practices that contradicted Buddhist teachings.
The Current State of Chickens
In modern times, chickens are primarily treated as a food source. However, the conditions in which chickens are raised in modern factory farms are quite harsh.
Meat chickens are bred to grow quickly and are often shipped out within a short period of time, leading to health problems. Egg-laying hens are confined in small cages, preventing them from engaging in natural behaviors.

Human-Chicken Coexistence
The Chicken Hell can be seen as a painting that symbolizes the complex relationship between humans and chickens throughout history. Even in today's society, chickens play a significant role in our lives.
Consuming chicken meat and eggs means taking a life. It's crucial to understand the ideas behind the Chicken Hell and approach chickens with appreciation.

What We Can Do
- When purchasing chicken meat and eggs, choose products that come from farms with ethical raising practices.
- Avoid wasting chicken products.
- Learn about chicken behavior and cultural significance.
By taking these actions, we can work towards a society where humans and chickens can coexist peacefully.